The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) are leading 2012’s International Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week from June 17-23. This joint initiative is coordinated by the IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section and the NVFC Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program, and is supported by an enormous number of national and international fire and emergency service organizations (such as NFPA) and health and safety-related organizations and agencies.
TRI Air Testing has written a lot about the importance of safety recently and the critical role compressed air and compressed air testing plays supporting emergency services personnel, food and beverage manufacturers, underwater divers, and many others. We are proud to be part of safety verification in these fields, and we are very happy to see all the fantastic work IAFC, NVFC and their partners are doing to promote the larger safety issues in the fire and emergency response field.
The 2012 International Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week theme is “Rules You Can Live By.” IAFC and NVFC note that this week’s events will stress “…the Rules of Engagement for Firefighter Safety, Survival, and Health. Fire departments are encouraged to suspend all non-emergency activity during Safety and Health Week in order to focus on safety and health training and education. An entire week is provided to ensure all shifts and duty crew can participate.”
We want to extend a thank you to all fire service personnel. Your work is essential and deeply appreciated.
Stay safe!
RELATED safety article: “Managing Moisture: SCBA, SCUBA, and OSHA Air Quality”
TRI, an AIHA-accredited laboratory, provides compressed air testing with excellence in quality and science.